Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Aaron Copland

Aaron Copland ?Aaron Copland? By: Anna McGuffin Not solo was Aaron Copland a great Ameri fundament composer, he was a great composer worldwide. He grew up in Brooklyn, wise York in a very drab neighborhood. He was influenced by jazz musicians and French composers. He made many an(prenominal) remarkable contributions to the world of music and worked to make music more(prenominal) gratifying to the everyday listener. His major works are not only world famous, but world-appreciated. Aaron Copland was born in 1900 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the youngest of all of the children in his family. His parents were Lithuanian and go to the states in the late 1800?s. Copland?s family owned a surgical moolah store on Washington Avenue in Brooklyn. His family resided in the three stories above the store. He grew up in a very drab neighborhood that he once described. ?I was born on a street in Brooklyn that lot only be described as drab. I t had none of the tatty color of the ghetto, none of the charm of a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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