Monday, February 10, 2014

Health Promotion

I.         Assessment At Star Harbor Senior party Center, the population ranges from 55 historic period old to hundred years old. This aggregate is compiled of Afri washstand-Americans, Barbarians, Jamaicans, Liberians, Whites, Russians, and Polacks. The purpose of this debut is to target those, fetching iodin or more(prenominal) prescribed and/or all(a) over the return medications, who could be at risk for polypharmacy. almost of this population, is taking these meds without each knowledge or consistency in taking them. Most of these older adults lack a wellnessy lifestyle. They fork out forgetful knowledge about the medicines prescribed to them, what they ar employ for, and the unbecoming affects that can occur if combined with other meds. The affirmatory to this presentation is that many of these seniors are very concerned with their wellness and indispensableness to learn. In addition, this group has become better in health and fitness, by participating in walking, chair exercises, and level off tai-chi. This is accommodative to devise a teaching computer programme that can pore around this aggregates strengths and weaknesses. This group?s strengths is being more discourteous to asking questions and learning, as well as seek to be more consistent with their lifestyles. However, their learning is a hindered because they are non used to spilling up if they don?t understand. Implementing a plan to allow them to learn effectively and encouraging them to speak up seems ideal. II. TOPIC         OUTLINE         METHOD         EVALUATION 1.          ground the enigma: Increase the awareness of the use of multiple medications and uncomely affects         -polypharmacy gist ?many doses? -87% of elders take at least single prescription medicine medication and three OTC drugs -when many prescribed, over the counter, and herbal tea remedies a re combined it can decrease the force of th! e drug?and even cause dangerous reactions -many signs and symptoms are ofttimes lose         -lecture/discussion -poster         -drug sheet handouts -case studies 2.         Risk factors         Elder adults over the... If you fatality to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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