Wednesday, February 5, 2014


First, in today’s society, informal savvy varies from someone to person. some(prenominal) individuals be heterointimate, homo inner, and bisexual. This presentation will discuss the conflicting perspectives and current research studies on sexual orientation and identity. In addition, many individuals read different perspectives on sexual orientation and identity. Some individuals be under the assumption that homosexuals relieve oneself diminished sex hormones which make them homosexuals. In all reality homosexuals and heterosexuals are not so different as far as the levels of circulating hormones (Pinel 2007). Hormones may reduce sexual behavior in both homosexuals and heterosexuals, still it does not change the person’s sexual orientation. Another perspective is that people believe those who are homosexuals have made the choice of becoming homosexuals and this is not the case. Sexual taste is not based on choice but the split up develops as a child ma tures. For example, my first cousin was born egg-producing(prenominal) as a child she played like design childrenwould but at the duration of nine she started to take on a different interest in girls we noticed she was attracted to her distaff friends. My cousin’s parents were very strict and religious she had never seen twain females act sexual towards each other. Her behavior was not acquire she was born and wired to be attracted to other women. At the age of 33 my cousin is now married to her female lover. Some researchers believe that perinatal hormone exposure may, in feature shape an individuals’ sexual orientation (Pinel 2007). A get a line conducted with rats concluded that female rats treated with testosterone have been shown to make homogeneous sex preferences (Pinel 2007). One can conclude that this must be true for valet as rats have been analyze on for various hormonal, neurological and behavioral studies to help researchers agnize humans inte rnally. In conclusion, there has been cur! rent research on sexual orientation and identity; these...If you want to get a honest essay, order it on our website:

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