Friday, February 7, 2014

War in Afganhistan

23 October 2011 The U.S. in Afghanistan 1. U.S should not stay in Afghanistan 2. The US. has arrive rattling critical improvement 3. The warf atomic number 18 has made a taboosized impact in the economy 4. The troops ar the nigh touched 5. conclusion After the attacks on kinfolk 11 the joined states and associate waged war on Afghanistan and Iraq. Recently, professorship Obama addressed the nation announcing that 2014 is the early when U.S troops get out begin to leave Afghanistan. It is wise for the U.S. to separate troops because we bring made very little improvement, it has affected the economy, and the troops are the well-nigh affected. Leaving Afghanistan would be a wise resource because we are spending too of go time on such little raise. In the ten geezerhood the United States has been involved very little progress has been made in Afghanistan. A large reason wherefore there is little improvement is because the Afghan presidenc y is very corrupt. Also, the Afghan reignment has not established a motionless democracy to govern itself without the aid of the United States. The Taliban is still in power and it seems homogeneous it is not worth it for the United States to go after them. fight the Taliban weakens them for only a short time, they will continue to code and they will continue to replace the at rest(predicate) members. The U.S has not n the terrorist threat, in a statement the Taliban verbalise  that the U.S. has woolly any chance to establish peace. Since we have stayed so unyielding we have bred to a greater extent resentment than gratitude towards us. These ten years in Afghanistan the government is paying an estimated $100 billion a year. right away that the economy is in a downfall, that capital should go towards creating more jobs, infrastructure repair, education spending and health pity expansion. instead, this money is going towards a very unsuccessful war and the tax income pa yer is having to pay more money in taxes. T! he most important problem is the fact that the troops and their families are the most affected by the war. In...If you want to get a rise essay, order it on our website:

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